balance your vata with movement

For my Vata’s, this one is for you!

Do you sometimes feel tired, anxious, overwhelmed, or spacey?

These are characteristics that your Dosha is unbalanced.

Aside from balancing your Dosha through foods, you want to include some movement. Especially, since people like us NEED to MOVE

Here are a few yoga poses you can do in the comfort of your own home. I would suggest holding each pose for 2-5 minutes.  

Uttanasana (forward fold)

  1. Start by taking a slow and deep INHALE, reaching your hands up overhead, and EXHALE, hinging from your hips to fold forward.  

Utkatasana (chair pose)

  1. Start by taking a slow and deep INHALE, bending your knees and sending your hips back, extending your arms out in front of you. As you EXHALE lower your hips.

Balasana (child’s pose)

  1. Start in Vajrasana (kneeling pose), INHALE as you bring your hips as wide as your mat, bring your toes to touch, and EXHALE as you bring your sit bones down towards your heels.

  2. Note: engage your arms so your elbows are not touching the mat for a yummy backstretch. Also, if you want a more restorative pose, you can place a bolster or a big pillow on your mat and place your forehead on the bolster/pillow.

Paschimottansana (seated forward fold)

  1. Start by coming into a comfortable seated position extending your legs out in front of you. Flex your feet back, which will help engage your legs.

  2. INHALE as you take your arms up and as you EXHALE hinge from your hips to fold forward. You place your hands on your shins, ankles, or toes.

  3. Note: bend your knees if you can’t reach your toes. If you want a more restorative pose, you can place a bolster or a big pillow on your legs as you fold forward.

The goal is to reestablish the qualities of warmness, and firmness and focus on establishing a natural state of well-being.

As Vata, we want to keep our bodies flowing and warm. These 4 postures will help bring equilibrium, tranquility, substance, and grounding.

Stay tuned for the next blog, I’ll be diving into some yoga asanas you can add to your daily practice to balance your Kapha Dosha!

Happy Moving!



balance your Pitta with movement


Did you get kapha?