balance your Pitta with movement

For my Pitta’s, this one is for you!

Your yoga practice should encompass relaxation, acceptance, compassion, and cooling sequences to help balance your dosha.

The poses shown below are pitta-pacifying poses that you can use in a flow or do them individually. I would suggest holding or flowing in each pose for 2-5 minutes.

Marjaiasana (Cat Cow Pose)

  1. Start by getting on your hands and knees.

  2. Align your shoulders underneath your wrists and hips underneath your knees, bring your navel in to activate your core.

  3. Take a deep INHALE and bring your navel towards your mat, open up your chest and send your gaze up.

  4. Take a deep EXHALE and bring your navel in, round your spine, and bring your chin to your chest

  5. Repeat nice and slow.  

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  1. Start by laying on your belly, place your palms underneath your shoulders.

  2. Engage your legs and INHALE, press your hands onto your mat to open up your chest.

  3. EXHALE, bring your gaze up and bring your shoulders away from your ears. Keep your shoulders tucked in.

  4. Feel your heart open here.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

  1. Standing at the front of your mat, press all four corners of your feet onto your mat. Root through your mat.

  2. Place your arms, palms facing the front of the mat.

  3. INHALE, as you elongate your spine, activating your core and pressing your feet onto you mat.

  4. EXHALE, relax your shoulders away from your ears.

Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana (Revolved Seated Twist)

  1. Start by coming into a seated position, INHALE, reaching your arms overhead.

  2. EXHALE, twist to your right. Bring your left palm onto your knee.

  3. As you continue to breath, draw your navel to midline and open your chest as you twist. Send your gaze back and continue to sit up straight to lengthen your spine.

  4. Repeat on the left.

Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

  1. Start by coming into “Warrior 2”. Draw your shoulders down, away from your ears.

  2. INHALE, lengthen the side body.

  3. EXHALE, rotate your torso, opening up your chest.

  4. Breath here, and place your elbow onto your thigh. Activate your core so you do not collapse onto your thigh.

  5. Press both feet onto your mat and draw your thighs to midline to activate your legs and stability.  

To help balance your Pitta dosha, I encourage you to practice in a cool area. Focus more on your inhalation as the cool breath helps decrease the heated dosha faster. Exhalation helps release any built up anger or frustration.

Find a few minutes in your busy schedule to practice these five poses.  

Happy Moving!



balance your Kapha with movement


balance your vata with movement