Did you get Pitta?

Mama, Did you get Pitta?

Okay, so what does this all mean?

If you got Pitta as your main Dosha or part of your constitution, you have qualities of lightness, liquidity, sharpness, heat and a slight oiliness.

As part of your nourishment, you benefit from naturally sweet, astringent, cooling, and bitter foods.

If you are primarily Pitta, you are known to be sharp. You are more medium built, have the tendency to gain weight, but most importantly you enjoy studying and can focus when you need to.

In order to keep this Dosha balanced, you can incorporate nutritious meals that will aid your digestion and provide you with the energy you need.

Here are a few ideas you can try!

Balance your Dosha with nourishing and cooling foods. Give this a try and see how you feel in the evening. Keep a journal where you write down what you eat throughout the day and notice any differences in your body. The more you implement nourishing foods that decrease your Pitta the better you will feel.

Stay tuned for the next blog if you got KAPHA!




Did you get kapha?


Did you get Vata?